Cringe Social Media Marketing

Cringe Social Media Marketing

I really don’t want to do this, but to advertise myself I need to start posting silly videos on Instagram and TikTok (what on earth is going on with that app) daily in order to grow a following and therefore, make a living. Maybe it won’t be that bad. I like making silly vids. The question is, how long can I keep it up? How long do I have to embarrass myself and make an enormous digital footprint before I can live out my dreams? I’ve already started making a couple videos, but the goal is to make enough to post everyday for a year. How is that sustainable? Will I even find it to be fun? The answer is yes, obviously, but will the hate get to me? Cuz I know it’s coming. You can only be cringe on the internet for so long before the wrong people find you. Or will the right people find me? Only one way to find out.

Wish me luck, ghosts of the internet. My 11 months of posting daily starts February 1st.